Monday, January 7, 2013

Newsblog | January 2013

For January we are having our 2nd annual Angel's Closet Fundraiser!
You can visit this link for more information on what we're doing & how you can help.
If you are wanting to enter our raffles or make a donation please check our facebook for in studio hours.

I hope that you & your family enjoyed a very Merry Christmas, 
and that you enjoyed last evening while bringing in the new year.
Its always exciting, starting a new year with new goals and the promise of new opportunities. 
As most business owners do at the end of a year, 
I have looked back and noted my lessons learned and scribbled down improvement ideas.
To say the least, taking on a full time job in July has really put a strain on me and my business.
I however, believe that every issue does indeed have a solution.
And while I cannot quit my job and be in studio 24/7 (although that sounds delightful),
I have a well planned and much thought about scheduling solution for the new year...

In studio session scheduling on weekdays excluding Thursday 
(M, T, W, F 5:30pm being the earliest)
On location or in studio session scheduling on weekends
 (Saturdays after 11am or Sundays after 1pm)
Online proofs will be available 1-5 days after your session
(in studio proofing may be prolonged because of scheduling)
(print proofs may be take longer because of ordering schedule)
Order cut off time will now be Thursdays at 7:30pm
(Your order confirmation and payment must be received by cutoff)
Order pick up time will now be Thursdays between 6-6:30 in studio
(I will, as always, contact you and let you know your order is ready)

Sometimes I take days off and they will always be noted on our facebook page & twitter.

This policy started in Decemeber and I have decided to keep it for 2013:
If you request a time slot for a mini session & do not pay your invoice 
within 48 hours of it being sent I am assuming you have changed your mind.
Absolutely no session dates will be reserved without full payment of session and proofing fee.

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